
 Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor

Accommodations will be provided by the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, the meeting hotel. Situated in the heart of Baltimore's scenic Inner Harbor, and adjacent to the iconic Camden Yards, the hotel is located by a light rail stop and easily accessible by car, train, and three international airports. Visit the Hilton website for more information about this terrific venue. 

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor

401 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21201

ASMB group rates

$219 Single/double + applicable taxes. Last day for ASMB group rate: October 25, 2025. 

Why Stay at the Meeting Hotel?

Staying in the same space with the speakers, colleagues, and friends allows for spontaneous interactions and organic conversations.  You never know who you'll meet in the lobby or at the coffee bar. It also makes for a really easy commute to the sessions and events!  It is important to be aware that accommodations reserved outside of the official meeting hotel room block expose the ASMB to financial penalties. Your loyalty and support are greatly appreciated!

Reserve a room at the Hilton


Transportation and Parking

Self-parking is available at the hotel for $36. per day.  Make arrangements directly with the Hilton.


Metro Link Light Rail

Info coming soon.


Taxi or Uber/Lyft

Info coming soon.


Child Care

Child care resource information available upon request.